Who is Nicki Minaj?
So you want to know if Nicki Minaj butt is real? If you don't know who Nicki Minaj is by now that you probably have don't watch television or surf the internet. She is only one of the hottest female artist that is on the scene at this present time. Her birth name is Onika Maraj and is was born in 1984 and lived in Trinidad until she was old enough and the family moved to Queens. She was talented from the very start as soon with her graduating from LaGuardia High School which specializes in music. For all the talent is most notably known for her wonderful butt.
All about Nicki's Buttocks!
Over recent years Nicki Minaj's butt has been much subject of conversation. Many who knew the young Minaj say that years ago her butt was a lot smaller and her breast weren't as big as they are now. Some attribute the size of her butt to be from butt pads or buttock ejections. However Nicki remains that her butt is real and that people are just hating on her. Though I have gone through numerous pictures myself it is hard to really tell what the truth is.
Picture #1 of Nicki Minaj Butt
How Women Can Get a Nicki Minaj Butt
Of course you women can have a butt like Nicki Minaj's by getting butt pad, buttock ejections or whatever means you choose. I would however prefer women doing it the more natural why. Yes there is a natural way to increase and tone your butt so that you have a better buttocks. Have you seen a female sprinter lately? Most sprinters have some of the best butts around. No they are not like Nicki's butt but you will find that most women would like to have one that is so toned and round.
Pictures #2 & #3 Of Nicki Minaj Butt
Look at Sprinters for the Proper Exercise
If you want a better but try a sprinting routine. What you will want to do is find a local track and jog 100 meters than walk back to your starting point. You will want to do this 2-4 times to make sure you warm up your muscles. The next time you will wont to start jogging but then go into a full sprint for the rest of the 100 meters. Walk back and repeat for another 3-6 times. Do this about 2-3 times per week and you will have a Nicki Minaj butt in no time.
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